Rise of the Beast: A Study of Revelation Chapter 13

(Paperback – 121 pages) In the first verse of chapter 13 of Revelation, a character is introduced of central importance to the events of the Great Tribulation. This passage is first a revelation of the revived Roman Empire in its period of worldwide dominion, but more so this paragraph directs attention to the evil character who exercises satanic power as the world dictator. This chapter in Revelation is in the Bible for a reason – for our instruction, edification, and understanding. I believe in the time we live in; we need to be looking at this chapter now. We need to look at this chapter, and then look at what could lead up to this chapter. If you think about what we will be studying, we will be studying Satan and the Antichrist. And if you look at this study with a perspective of contrast, everything we learn about Satan and the Antichrist, we can immediately say, well, Christ is the exact opposite. So, by learning about the Antichrist, we can still learn about Christ. We will just be doing it in a negative way. Looking at this study from this perspective will end up giving us a positive picture of Jesus Christ. And that will be a good way to think about this book. I will point out some of that as we work our way through. So, it is a matter of contrast. We still learn about the true Messiah because we will see the exact opposite of everything that Jesus Christ stands for in the Antichrist.

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